Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Guest Post : ConspiraSteve

Much has been made of late of my prescient predictions, well thought out political opinions, lack of thought to the feelings of others, (that being from my wife), sculpted bike calves and my thoughts on the absolute certainties in life. Which brings us to the here and know/now. My good friend The White (certainly of high caliber morality and wisdom) R Kelley, here on in known as "Dawhite", has asked me to opine on his blog. Let's give a little background on myself shall we? No you say? That won't be necessary you say? Good, I do not know you, or the people who will be genius enough to take it upon themselves to take the time out of their day to enlighten themselves to my opines. Here on in to be referred to as "Opinions". My entries, for future reference, will be about roughly the first sentence. Though I reserve the right to change the first sentence at a moments notice, therefore not rendering this sentence moot. I will do my best not to throw out my self imposed rule of the first sentence, while observing the right to adhere to the last sentence at any time. You have been forewarned.
Next week: Will David Stern allow Kobe to be fouled in the last five minutes of a game?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wha??? (scratching head)