Mace asked me to take pictures of the snow so Natty and I just took a walk around, I might try a little trail ride later in the afternoon.There were coyote tracks on every trail in the woods but concentrated in makeout clearing, it looks like they had a party there. They walked across the ladder and pretty much every log, including some that were angled somewhat steeply and several feet off the ground.
I'm tempted to try it, but no.
This cat really gets around, it's tracks were everywhere.
CSI : The Woods
The scene of a struggle? It's hard to tell from this photo but on this otherwise pristine section of trail there was a spot here where dirt and leaves were thrown up on top of the snow, there were coyote tracks coming from one direction, cat tracks from another and bird tracks coming in from the side. Also there were two spots on the snow where it looked like a wing had swept across. No feathers or blood though and no marks of anything dragged away. Inconclusive.The wild cherries are starting to form buds already.
Oh yeah, I was going to pull those hyacinth out and compost them last week...guess I'll have to wait awhile now. I trust my little koi are fine, it's over 4 ft. deep at the center, I can't imagine it's frozen that far down.
Natty likes the snow but what she REALLY likes is getting back inside and laying by the fire.
Note the one white whisker. Jaden thinks something frightened her, I think she's starting to get old.
Some of the rhododendrons aren't looking so good.I thought it would be funny to get some small LED lights powered by batteries and put them on one of the Xmas trees. Maybe next year.
I got a little worried about the feral calico cat that's been hanging out in my woodshed so I made a little shelter. I hope it's utilized, I've been trying to lure it in but it's not having any part of that "kitty, kitty" thing. Of course Natty is a hindrance, chasing things that will run away is pretty much her raison d'etre, if you'll pardon my French.
Nice photos, keep up the good work and stay warm cuz we just entered an ice age.
Thanks for the farm update! Looks nice out there, coyote tracks and all. I love the pic of Natty looking like "What in the hell? I dissaprove!"
extreme, free-riding coyotes!
Hey, maybe you can get some of those handy trail cameras. Then we could see your wildlife in action.
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