Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Boat Farm

Our first success! A handful of cloves from Garlicana turned into buckets full of beautiful Basque Red Garlic.

A big thanks to Sauvie Island Organics for all the drip tape.

Wildflowers on the pump bumps.

It's a start.

The eyes of a killer. A mole a day, that's all I ask.

The strawberries are thriving, they must have enjoyed the wet spring.

That merit badge I got for knot tying? If I knew where it was I would give it back. I pretty much faked it.
My experimental tomato trellis.

Boat Farm Nursery

Friday, June 11, 2010

Boat Farm Brewery!

My first batch of IPA is bubbling away happily. Many thanks to Claire of the So Pathetic Brewclub for the knowledge and help and to Milkshake for much of the equipment.