Our first success! A handful of cloves from Garlicana turned into buckets full of beautiful Basque Red Garlic.

A big thanks to Sauvie Island Organics for all the drip tape.

Wildflowers on the pump bumps.

It's a start.

The eyes of a killer. A mole a day, that's all I ask.

The strawberries are thriving, they must have enjoyed the wet spring.

That merit badge I got for knot tying? If I knew where it was I would give it back. I pretty much faked it.

My experimental tomato trellis.

Boat Farm Nursery
Wow, everything looks awesome! Wish I had looked while I was down there, hoping to come down and look at all the goodness going on, beautiful, keep the pics coming please.
It looks great! I bet the veg will boom in the heat!
I want a garlic head! Maybe a trade?
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