Shit, forgot I had a blog again. I guess I've been too busy with real life. Here are some pictures from the last week or so.I overcame my aversion to "bike culture" and attended the MCBF. It was fun, this 10 year old girl won at foot down and soaked in the glory. I saw Meghan, Magpie, Rev. Phil, Sweet T, Sarah, and lots of other friends and acquaintances.
Glenna came down from BC to pay us a visit.
Shepherd, meet sheep.
And goat.
Justine at the Molalla River. We also swam in the Sandy and twice in the Rickreall Creek.
The boys. After years of threats I finally made it to the Humane Society. Squirrels, mice, etc, your days are numbered.
Glenna longboarded Orchard Heights Road and pronounced it "pretty tame"Another good year for poison oak.
Heating up Rickreall Creek.
you leave the internets for one week and are awash in stunning girls...
may i never blog again
you got 4 freaking cats?!
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