Thursday, July 23, 2020
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Photos from Asia pt 3 - Kuala Lumpur
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Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Bali and Jakarta for CMWC feat. Todd Danger
The Surly Travelers Check has worked out great. It took a few tries to get it packed into the S&S travel case but I have it down now.

First view of Taiwan.
I had an enjoyable 20 hr layover in Taipei. I took the train to the city and my cheap Airbnb. Fun late night street scene and I had some delicious fried chicken.
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I'm staging a three week takeover of Todd Danger's life. Working at his job, living in his apartment.
Here are a few things that happened and some photos of food.
A guy pulled a knife on me. It was a tiny one, but still.
The situation : 5:30pm, pulling up at 888 SW 5th for the Tonkon Fedex. I decide to leave my lights on the bike because I am an idiot. I was running straight in and out of a building and was parked in view of the guard.
When I came out of the elevator I saw two guys by my bike, one removing my front light. By the time I got out of the building they had had crossed the street. I pursued, made myself known and got the light back. Chalk one up for being a big, scary looking dude I guess.
I said a few more things, some of them quite rude and that's when the knife came out. I laughed but also turned around.
I resisted the message from my lizard brain that I should brandish my own, much larger knife and say something pithy. I would very much like to die of old age having never participated in a knife fight.
I watched a building guy use a gas powered leaf blower to blow water off the sidewalk, while it was actively raining. This one boggled me.
For many years downtown Portland has been an absolute wasteland as far as quality bagels are concerned. Portland Bagel Bakery on SW 4th was great but a distant, steamy memory. Tastebud on Alder had a run, those were decent bagels. Now there are so many new options! I'm going to try them all.
I had an excellent first experience at Bowery. This part of Old Town is still a little gritty and gives it a nice urban feel. They offer a range of delicious bagel sandwiches. If all goes well I will try them all. Pictured is the Simon Benson - sunnyside egg, Tails and Trotters ham, American cheese. Gooey and delicious. $7 but this calorie bomb should power me from 9am to early afternoon. I'll eat a hearty lunch just to be sure though.
Mandatory elevator selfie.
It's probably been 10 years since I've stopped at Thai Sky but I got a warm greeting and a "Where have you been??" The Tom Yum was perfect on a cold day.
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Tuesday, January 07, 2020
Photos from Asia part 2 - Kuala Lumpur
Shout out to ANA Airlines for the terrific food. I had to finally tell them no more Hagen-Daz, unbelievable.
Also thanks to Scott's Cheap Flights! LAX-KUL-BKK-NRT-LAX for $512, not bad.
Second view. I would love to explore some of rural Japan next time, though I know I'll feel even less welcome than I did in Tokyo.
Second meal as we transferred out of Tokyo. Good job, ANA.
Big ups to the French for spreading their pastry culture around SE Asia. This was not a great one but the coffee was good.
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