Monday, December 29, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Guest Post : ConspiraSteve : The Enemies List
*Please note the opinions and theories expressed by ConpiraSteve are not necessarily shared by the author of this blog*
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Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Arctic Blast!
Well I'm back in the modern world after 48 hours with no power. I'd like to say it was an ordeal but actually I kind of enjoyed it. The wood stove kept me plenty warm, between my cupboards and the generosity of Bill and Karen I stayed well fed, I enjoy reading by candlelight and thanks to Jetboil and my antique coffee grinder I stayed properly caffeinated. The lack of hot water was an issue at first but I found that if I rode the rollers until I started dripping sweat and fantasizing about making naked snow angels a cold shower was just the thing. All in all, good practice for the coming apocalypse.
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Thursday, December 18, 2008
NBA update
In the wake of a terrific Trailblazers win against the Suns tonight here's a joke from Steve Nash...
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Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Poker Night?
Dabby wants to know if there is any interest in a poker night at the Compound the first Saturday of 2009, Jan. 3. This could be your one and only chance to see the Compound and the infamous Party Barn...let me know what you think in the comments.
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Monday, December 15, 2008
Mace asked me to take pictures of the snow so Natty and I just took a walk around, I might try a little trail ride later in the afternoon.There were coyote tracks on every trail in the woods but concentrated in makeout clearing, it looks like they had a party there. They walked across the ladder and pretty much every log, including some that were angled somewhat steeply and several feet off the ground.
I'm tempted to try it, but no.
This cat really gets around, it's tracks were everywhere.
CSI : The Woods
The scene of a struggle? It's hard to tell from this photo but on this otherwise pristine section of trail there was a spot here where dirt and leaves were thrown up on top of the snow, there were coyote tracks coming from one direction, cat tracks from another and bird tracks coming in from the side. Also there were two spots on the snow where it looked like a wing had swept across. No feathers or blood though and no marks of anything dragged away. Inconclusive.The wild cherries are starting to form buds already.
Oh yeah, I was going to pull those hyacinth out and compost them last week...guess I'll have to wait awhile now. I trust my little koi are fine, it's over 4 ft. deep at the center, I can't imagine it's frozen that far down.
Natty likes the snow but what she REALLY likes is getting back inside and laying by the fire.
Note the one white whisker. Jaden thinks something frightened her, I think she's starting to get old.
Some of the rhododendrons aren't looking so good.I thought it would be funny to get some small LED lights powered by batteries and put them on one of the Xmas trees. Maybe next year.
I got a little worried about the feral calico cat that's been hanging out in my woodshed so I made a little shelter. I hope it's utilized, I've been trying to lure it in but it's not having any part of that "kitty, kitty" thing. Of course Natty is a hindrance, chasing things that will run away is pretty much her raison d'etre, if you'll pardon my French.
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Sunday, December 07, 2008
A redtailed hawk takes flight at sunset. I had hoped to get closer before it took off, I'm not very stealthy.
Mace, Beefa, Spence and I (plus 3 dogs) did a super-mini-deathmarch to a ridge above Mirror Lake and spent the night at Mace's parent's cabin in Welches. Thanks Mace's parents!Late in the evening.
Mace attempting to prove his theory that he could do pull ups hanging onto Beefa's sleeping arm without waking Beefa. Affirmed.
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Friday, December 05, 2008
Here's a little experiment. I made a TeamWreck Google Group. I thought this might be a more versatile space to discuss details of the next deathmarch or whatever else you like. For now it's set on web only (no emails) and restricted membership (you have to apply but everyone is welcome, unless you're a jerk).
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Monday, December 01, 2008
Death March Update
Bjorn writes in :
"So the death march is friday feb 20 through sunday feb 22nd. We had to get the cabin for friday and saturday in order to reserve it, saturday only wasn't an option. We will have to figure out if some are going friday night, and some saturday, or all saturday or what. Regardless I have some feats of strength in mind and the cabin is reserved."
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Friday, November 28, 2008
more photos
I remembered to carry my camera as I walked around with Natty today.

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photo update

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Friday, November 21, 2008
Rip City, baby.
Another glorious Blazer win tonight.
I admit I woke up in a lousy mood today and it only got worse as the day went on, but despite having to watch the game on the internets, in a tiny 4 inch window (fuck you, Comcast) by the start of the 4th quarter I was pumping the French techno and having a dance party with Natty. Victory is sweeter than prozac.
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Thursday, November 20, 2008
Capsule Reviews!
The Wire, season 5
Somehow I forgot to watch the last season of the greatest TV show ever.
I want more. The wrap up was solid, though, and I was glad to see a few characters turned out OK. Now I can catch up with Heaven and Here.
Let me say first of all that I'm glad Robert Downey Jr. is finally a big movie star, he's earned it. Jaden talked this film up so much that I might have been a little underwhelmed. I did have problems seeing Jeff Bridges as a super villain, he'll always be The Dude to me. I think the final 10 seconds were my favorite part. "I am Ironman", and cue the Black Sabbath. Awesome.
Snowflake Ritz
As you well know Ritz is the official snack of Team Wreck. I was stunned when I saw this new product on the endcap of my local Roth's. So stunned that I purchased a box. It turned out to be just like normal Ritz but each cracker was 5% smaller. Seems like a ripoff unless you really love snowflakes, then it might be a deal.
Twin Peaks season one
My DVR has been catching this and I had forgotten how great it is. Nadine's silent drape runners, Albert the forensics expert, Audrey's dance at the diner, Cooper's dreams and of course Leland/Bob, super creepy!
"I've got good news, that gum you like is going to come back in style."
30 Rock
The Kid told me I should watch this and he was right. Funny!
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Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Wow, not only does Sherman Alexie post on my favorite Trailblazers forum but two of his 21 points concern corndogs! We have so much in common!
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Saturday, November 15, 2008
Beefa's Kickball Challenge is a go for next Saturday, rain or shine. Followed by the TW holiday party at Mace and Junko's. It'll be a day to remember.
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Rev. Phil writes in with more updates from the Bikeporn tour of the West.
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Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Is this turning into a basketball blog? I hope not, I need to diversify my interests...
Garbage time all-stars
For those (like me) who love basketball, comics and snarkiness this is a rich vein.
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Sunday, November 09, 2008
Conservation in the hood
Oregon White Oak, "Messenger Oak"
Quercus garryana
Location: Heritage Mall, Geary Street and 14th Avenue SE, Albany, Oregon
B&K pointed out this great news for our neighborhood. I like vineyards but I love oak woodlands.
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