Friday, August 29, 2008

Guest Post : Conspirasteve!

*Please note the opinions and theories expressed by ConpiraSteve are not necessarily shared by the author of this blog*

Boom!!!!... and just like that Dear Readers, we are back in the cold war!! Whew... and just in time for election OH8. I was a little curious on how the GOP where going to pull a "V" out of their collective ass.. Are you, Dawhite's industrious yet snarky-comment-making readership wondering what I may be referring to??!!
According to Vlad the Russian Destroyer (here on referred to as VRD) The Bush administration orchestrated the whole Georgian/Russian "WAR" to boost Johann Mc-I've-been-a-POW-so-don't-ask-me-a damn-thing-you-commie-pinko-Cain's poll ratings. While I'm not a big current events- let-me-divulge-the-newest-political-topic-and-take-Dawhite's-readership's-intelligence-for-granted-while-simultaneously-discovering-the dash-button-on-my-keyboard-styled guest blogger. I will at this point digress, but remember! I have at any moment the right to exercise the last sentence of my first blog posting. I do believe you were forewarned!! While I, Conspirasteve, would not normally indulge in such geopolitical global conspiracies, there are some salient/salivating facts about the whole sordid affair that brought the full weight of the Cospirasteve Nation to bear down on this distasteful yet tantalizing tidbit of pseudo world history.
The Facts :
1: Before the conflict, Geo Bush-our-soon-to-be-erstwhile-leader meets with VRD at the Beijing opening ceremony. By the way, did anybody check out the crappy seats those two got? I got better seats at a Blazer game from a scalper.
2: Johann's down 8Pt's in the polls. Barry O is in Hawaii for a week. Obviously doing UN-American activities such as body surfing. I would like to point out at this time that I will not condone body surfing by anybody @ any time period!
3: VRD Invades Georgia, (since Georgia is a "State-in-the-heartland-of-America" the rooskies are invading the USA!!! ).
4: Johann, after making statements that essentially declare war on VRD, jumps in the polls by 6 Pt's. Ahhhh war is good for business and business is booming!
5: VRD claims the victim. It has come full circle. So that is how it is done...... keeping power in the hands of a few by fear, victimization and intimidation....easier done than said.
The Pigs and the easy... ahh yeahh....
Oh and Dawhite, I would press it upon you to take it upon yourself to take into account the examples of the world leaders explained so eloquently, and in minute detail above, in your next Bocce tournament. I have, and you have been warned!!


the-dolomite said...

Salient, salivating and sordid all in the the same sentence. Scintillating!

Anonymous said...

that was amusing and interesting. good job, "Dash".

revphil said...

i want conspirasteve ideas on flying with bikes and the possible cabal of evil formed by the League of American Bicyclists and the FFA

Anonymous said...

Ahh Rev, you see the connection also? I though it was only I. Kudos

the-dolomite said...

FFA? Future Farmers of America? I've never trusted them...

Anonymous said...

Future Farmers of America???!! I was refering to Thud the Champs potential future evil overlord, none other than Fletcher Farr Ayote Engineers 708 SW 3rd Ave #400

Anonymous said...

hahaha. FFA. they are architects and engineers? sounds dodgy...Is Tad getting hired by them? hmmm...
Beefa! we need more conspiricaliscious rants.