Team WRECK Holiday Party
Don't miss the first ever Team WRECK holiday party.

Saturday, Nov. 22nd at Mace and Junko's house, on SE 62nd S. of Powell.
You may have some questions, such as "what time?" "address?", "is it formal?", "what should I bring?" and "will there be a bunch of jerks I can't stand there?" Probably. For the rest, ask Mace or check back later.
crazy poster! ill try and come up with a flier with more info, its still a month out. Early start cause its dark @5 so around then. Bring booze,girlfriends,dress fun,maybe 5bucs 4 food.People should plan on staying overnight if needed. dancing and merry times to be had!
ryan let me know when we are building some sweet jumps at your house i got a new bike i want to go huck and i think i am gona get it custom painted TEAM WRECK
Sweet T
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