Greetings from Flagstaff
I was in "Flag", as the locals call it, last week visiting my old friend Mary Jane.Lucky, perhaps the most aptly named dog I've met.
It snowed two feet one night.There's something about this little stone shack that I found very appealing.
View from the living room. The dome in the distance is on the NAU campus. We went there one night to watch the women's team play the PSU Vikings. I didn't even know they were in the same conference. It was a super fun game, we sat right behind the home bench and could hear much of what the coaches and players were saying. NAU looked good early, they seemed taller and more athletic, but PSU played a swarming zone defense and shut them down in the second half.
On the way to the Grand Canyon.
We stopped for Navajo Tacos, a local specialty. The fry bread was delicious.
Me, Lucky and some German dudes at the Grand Canyon.
Visibility was not so good but it was still dramatic.
As you well know I'm a connoisseur of Paul Bunyan statuary. This is by far the most menacing I've seen.
I was confused by all the Paul Bunyan stuff around town, I'd always thought of PB as a Northwest thing. Then I remembered that PB created the Grand Canyon by dragging his axe behind him while he walked.We stopped in at Montezuma Castle. I wanted to climb up but was overruled.
That dog is phenomenal. I showed him the picture and he's touched. He wanted me to mention that he hates going near the railing of the Grand Canyon.
"Old friend" Mary Jane....hmmmm....sit on the park bench like bookends? You mean we've known each other for awhile? But we haven't really, just sort of peripherally in an admiring way. Finally, "Flag" is overrated, although it is growing on your "old friend". The highlights of your visit for me? driving through that rainstorm, going the wrong way, and watching the snow bury the city. Champagne and speed scrabble.
Obviously, I've never blogged before! guess who is not very good at being anonymous?
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