Sweet T's birthday
Another lovely weekend at the farm. About 15 people and 6 dogs showed up for Sweet T's birthday. We rode the trails at Black Rock and sessioned the ditchstyle. We watched the Trailblazers beat the Lakers Friday night and Tom Boonen beat the field at Paris-Roubaix Sunday afternoon. There was speed scrabble and bocce ball and a bonfire. A special thanks to all who provided or prepared all the delicious food we ate. Carnitas, guacamole, french toast, chili dogs, breakfast tacos, strawberries, a salad with pumpkin seeds and finally leftover vegetable soup Sunday night. Yum.I've been trying to get some glamour shots for my home exchange listing. I might try again in a few days when the cherries are in full bloom.
I don't usually take dance party photos but Tiahdactyl took these so I'm cool with posting them. I'm not sure what Mace was dancing to but I like to think it was DJ Mujava.
This must be some kind of krunk move.
Rev. Phil's outfit got a little attention from the bros at Blackrock but he backed it up with some sweet riding. He has an abundance of the two most important qualities in a downhill biker, confidence and a willingness to crash and endure pain. At one point I looked up and he was riding a skinny log a few feet above me. I pointed out there was a big drop off coming up and he bunny hopped off into the trail in front of me, smooth.
The Kid was having fun.
On the edge of the Annex.
The Kid always seemed to have a pack of dogs chasing him around.
Rev. Phil getting ready for Easter dinner with Bjorn's parents.
tanx for hostin. im mostly sore in a good way.
I could almost do that every weekend.
man, what a blast!
thank all of you for coming out to my birthday weekend at the farm. it was a blast the riding was the best part of it all.
ditch style midnight mystery ride ended with 3 consecutive crashes in the same location. CURSED HOLE!
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