WSI 9 pt. 3 : Scenes from Polo
Messman and
baby Messman Vivianna. I hear she already has 3 bikes. Queen of the Core at Westside Invite 33, book it.Disc wheels and drilled out mallets seem to be the rage in contemporary polo.
Wheelie's bike, spare bike and parts of his exoskeleton.
One of my favorite people.
Two thirds of The Three Malletiers. We may have finished 0-2 but we scored goals against two tough teams and no one got seriously injured. Success!
While lurking for the last of the burgers I got a few compliments on my condiment design so I figured it might be photo worthy.
Todd D. Danger, Timbers Superfan.
My slow travel camera missed the high speed crash but I caught the immediate hug and remount.
This guy was doing some cool tarck tricks but every time I tried to take his picture he crashed out.
The Ringer tapping out. Team Haus played a few beautiful games but couldn't make it out of the semifinals.
Irving is pure style. I wish I had gotten a photo of the slinky little number he was wearing Friday night.
Team Pink lost a closely contested 2 out of 3 finals but
this guy Nano would get my vote for MVP. He was quick like a snake, playing balls in the air.After a hard faught finals Soren, Seabass and Drew hang onto their belts for another year.
Did you take my place on the court? Awesome!
And that's Nano. He's awesome as well.
Good to see you this weekend Ryan.
I guess I did take your place. Hope your ankle is getting better.
I escaped 2 tournament games with only a slightly sprained wrist, a jammed knuckle and somehow bruises on both knees despite leg armor. Not bad!
nice pics ryan! and thanks again for stepping in for milkshake, our injured fella. i'm sorry you hurt your wrist, man, what a grueling world it is on the courts! but thanks for playing hard, and making me run "a lap" to fight off the taste of defeat. my legs hurt later. but at least i had champagne...sometimes the losers circle is aight... = new TEAM WRECK business business logo?
"our spirals come in thick red and thin yellow. No pickle"
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